Musée et maison natale de Théophane Vénard
The Théophane Vénard Association opens the house where Saint Théophane Vénard was born, in the main street that bears his name, to the public during the summer season. In addition to the architectural and patrimonial character of this old house, visitors will discover objects of worship that belonged to the Saint, as well as other objects linked to his family. Théophane Vénard lived in Saint-Loup-sur-Thouet in the 19th century, before leaving for Tonkin to spread his faith. He died a martyr in 1861, and was canonized by Pope John Paul II in 1988. Outside the summer season, group visits and openings on request: 05 49 63 53 32 or 06 80 90 20 51.
Musée et maison natale de Théophane Vénard
Grand-Rue Théophane Venard