Musée du sous-officier

Since 1963, the Ecole Nationale des Sous-Officiers d'Active has been providing general and advanced training for non-commissioned officers of the French Army in Saint-Maixent-L'école, in the Deux-Sèvres. The town has a Non-Commissioned Officer Museum, one of the 15 traditional museums of the French Army.

Its purpose is to present, on the one hand, the history of Saint-Maixent, its region, the different military schools that have followed (EMI, EMICC, EAI ...) and on the other hand, to retrace the history of the French NCO. The museum has more than 10,000 objects weapons, iconography, helmets and pennants.

Closing on 30 September 2022 for works.



  • Pram-friendly
  • Coach parking
  • Projection room


  • Shop
Free of charge
Musée du sous-officier Avenue de l'école militaire - 79400 SAINT-MAIXENT-L'ECOLE

Go there with Google Maps



  • Railway station : Gare de St Maixent l'Ecole at 0.8 km


Sélectionnez une période
Du 02/06/24 at 15/12/24
  • Tuesday de 10h00 at 17h00
  • Wednesday de 10h00 at 17h00
  • Thursday de 10h00 at 17h00
  • Friday de 10h00 at 17h00
  • Saturday de 10h00 at 17h00
  • Sunday de 10h00 at 17h00
