Les Saveurs du Sautreau

  • Les Saveurs du Sautreau
  • nueil-les-aubiers-les-saveurs-du-sautreau-panier
  • nueil-les-aubiers-les-saveurs-du-sautreau-bovin

Our agriculture is respectful of people, animals and our environment. Thus, in 2018, we launch the conversion of our farm to organic farming (for poultry, cattle and crops)
Products: Beef and veal rosé vacuum package, Poultry Biological, rabbit well-being, can to roast, canned farm products (terrine, cooked dish, catering).

Selling places: On the farm, on order, in local grocery stores (Mauléon, Bressuire)
More information on our website: www.lessaveursdusautreau.fr and our facebook page


  • AB - Agriculture Biologique
  • Bienvenue à la Ferme


Means of payment

  • Cheques and postal orders
Les Saveurs du Sautreau Le Sautreau - 79250 NUEIL-LES-AUBIERS

Go there with Google Maps
