Lavoir de la fontaine des morts
At the foot of the cemetery, rectangular and roofless, the wash house of the fountain of the dead of the nineteenth century was restored and highlighted by the Comité d'Animation du Pexinois.
Placed below the village, it avoids the pollution of the public waters and spares the buandières the steepness of the descending road up to the Sèvre Niortaise.
It served until the 20th century, a period from which the water supply in each household became widespread. The last professional lavandière of Sainte-Pezenne is called Marie-Madeleine Denis, nicknamed the «Mère Denis», «Vedette» of the «bujhaille» (laundry in patois poitevin-saintongeais). Born in 1893, she lives more than 100 years!
Lavoir de la fontaine des morts
Rue de la Grimpette
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