Eglise Saint-Médard de Germond

  • 1-551
  • L'église Saint-Médard à Germond
  • 2-485

Germond-Rouvre is located on the secondary road of Santiago de Compostela by the Deux-Sèvres used by the English, Normans and Bretons. It included a maladrerie gathered in 1695 at the hospital of Château-Bourdin (Saint-Pardoux-en-Gâtine) and two chaplaincies, one of which still existed in 1786.
In the thirteenth century, the first span of its Romanesque church is surmounted by a huge belfry-porch, a late and clumsy imitation of that of Secondigny and Parthenay-le-Vieux. The southern façade was flanked in the 15th century by a funerary chapel with flamboyant Gothic vaults. After the Concordat of 1804, one of the baroque altars of Saint-Antoine-de-la-Lande was transferred to the sanctuary.
Deprived of its original vaults, only the apse and part of the nave remain. Have you noticed the carved bat?

Eglise Saint-Médard de Germond - 79220 GERMOND-ROUVRE

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