Centre Equestre Le Hameau du Nay

Equestrian center - pony club - horse-riding lessons from initiation to the honing of advanced skills - highly diversified activities. Instructional endeavors are built around play, safety, individual effort respect for the other person's differences. Some 20 horses and 16 ponies live in freedom on close to 40 acres of prairie. Indoor riding school, tracks, cross-country paths, and trails for strolling allow horsemanship to be practiced all year long, either once a week, or in supervised training (except over the Christmas holiday). Clubhouse and certified accommodation on site. Horse livery yard, stalls, breaking in, horse and pony labor with due respect for the animal, training. Strolls, livery and horse labor. Welcome afforded to groups and disabled persons (deaf, mute, mentally handicapped). As regards visually deficient horsemen, sonorous assistance (criers) may be proposed.



  • Spielplatz
  • Coach parking
  • Refreshment area
  • Equipped conference room(s)


Means of payment

  • Cheques and postal orders
  • Chèques Vacances
  • Cash
  • Bank transfers
Centre Equestre Le Hameau du Nay Le Nay - 79140 LE PIN

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  • Road (national / local) : D150, N149
